How Do You Know If It’s Time For a New Website?

Your website is one of the key elements of your brand. It can often separate you from the competition, and make the difference between whether or not you gain a new customer. In managing the daily operations of your business, however, it is easy to overlook this important aspect of your brand, and as your business, technology, and customer expectations evolve, so must your website.

As Tampa web design specialists, we recommend asking yourself the following six questions to help determine if it is time for a new website.

1. Does your website align with marketing objectives?

All marketing initiatives intentionally or unintentionally lead back to your website. So, you must ask yourself, are the objectives I am trying to achieve with my marketing efforts strengthened when a prospect finds my website? The answer to this question could be “no” for a number of reasons. For instance, an outdated design, unfocused and unorganized content, broken links, or a website that is incompatible with mobile devices all lead to potential issues with the perception of your brand, and in turn, hinder your marketing efforts.

2. Is your website mobile-friendly?

Is your website mobile friendly? If not, it should be. Mobile usage is increasing globally as people are becoming more and more accustomed to using their smartphones and tablets to search for information online. Your customers are going to visit your website from a mobile device, so it is crucial that your website provides a positive mobile user experience.

3. Can visitors easily find information on your website?

Information hidden deep within your website because of a confusing navigation structure is a surefire way to frustrate your customers and lose business to your competitors. If you constantly receive feedback asking for information that is already available on the website, this may be an indication that the content is not organized in a way that makes it easy for your customers to find what they’re looking for.

4. Is your website compatible with the latest browsers?

Customers will visit your website using a number of different browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. As these browsers update over time, compatibility issues may occur, causing broken links, slow page load times, and a number of other potential issues that will create a negative user experience. If your current website is not compatible with current web browsers, this is another indication that it’s time to update your current website.

5. Are you able to easily update the website’s information in-house?

Outdated information on your website is detrimental to your credibility. If your business does not have the ability to easily update information in-house, creating a new website on a content management system is an excellent solution. A content management system gives you the ability to add information, update projects, and add company news with little to no technical expertise.

6. Have you redesigned your website in the last five years?

Web design standards and technology are constantly evolving to create a better user experience for website visitors. These standards often relate to the aesthetics, functionality, and usability of your website. Today’s standards use a clean, minimalist approach, strategically designed to accommodate the way users interact with a website across different devices.


Much like your company, website technology and design standards are constantly evolving. To adapt to these changes, it is important to view your company’s website as a dynamic part of your brand that should be regularly updated to meet your customers’ expectations. If you answered no to any of the questions about your current website, we recommend consulting with a knowledgeable Tampa web design company.

For more information regarding custom web development services, please call us at (866) 611-6267 or submit our contact request form.